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Best Places to visit in Kerala: part2

3.Kumarakom which is located close to Ayemenem village where god of small things is set is the most beautiful place in Kerala (arguably) with its mangrove covered lagoons and houseboats made on bamboo, serving you the most delicious Kerala food , this place just amazes any visitor. Sailing through the calm waters of Kumarakom or enjoying an ayurvedic massage, life just slows down for you. Kumarakon is also a bird watchers’ paradise.Many different species visit this place all round the year.Checkout our post on Kumarakom Village and the houseboat experience in Kumarakom.

4. Wayanad shows you how beautiful nature can be without human interference if the beauty of the Munnar is partly man made through tea gardens.Wayanad is a derivative of the term Vayal Nadu, where Vayal means Paddy fields and Nadu the land, comprising it to indicate a land of paddy fields. Wayanad is explicitly beautiful with mist clad mountains, intense forests and fertile green plantations. The forests of Wayanad are cosmic landmasses for animals to enjoy their natural dwelling. The hills, rocks and valleys which contribute to the very unique terrain of Wayanad provide for exceptional adventure experiences. Mountains and forests intersperse to create numerous outback trails, trekking routes and opportunities for other adventure sports. With vast areas still unexplored, Wayanad is truly an adventurescape waiting to be discovered. The mountains, the winding lanes and the thick forests on either sides give you an ethereal experience. Checkout an article on Wayanad Tourism and an experience in the hills of Northern Wayanad.

5. Thekkady is probably the best place in Kerala to observe wildlife while doing a boat trip. From the mighty Indian elephant to the Great Indian tiger, this place has it all.Elephants, deers, boars, bisons and lion tailed macaques are a common sight in the reservoir area. With some luck,other animals like tiger and leopard can be observed.The tourism department offers trekking right into the heart of the forest either on foot or atop elephants.The resort located in an island in the centre of the lake is the ideal place to observe animals.If you are more adventurous ,you can take the road from Moozhiyar to Thekkadi via Gavi winding through the thickest forests of Kerala.Elephants are a common sight on this path.Boating through the lake is a very pleasant experience and you can observe many waterbirds at close range.Checkout Thekkady Boatimings and Things to do in Thekkady Tourism.
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