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San Francisco Chinatown - Places You Must See

San Francisco's Chinatown, located at Grant and Stockton Streets is a thickly populated area of memento shops, restaurants and Chinese method design heavy on the dragon motifs. The entry to Chinatown at Grant Avenue is called the "Dragon's Gate." Inside are 24 blocks of bundle and bustle, most of it attractive place along Grant, the oldest street in San Francisco.

Many guest start to Chinatown to find its unique shops, restaurants, and the whole culture of the area. Most of the shops are located around Grant Street, the central axis of Chinatown's visitor area. The truth of Chinatown is that there are two Chinatowns: One belongs to the locals, the other trinkets the visitors. They overlie and jazz with each other, drawing more guest yearly than the Golden Gate Bridge.

You can simply walk to Chinatown from Union Square. Though it's within walking distance from Fisherman's Wharf, as well, the distance may be somewhat more than some travelers are eager to go. Chinatown is after that entry to North Beach Resorts and Hotels in San Francisco.

San Francisco Chinatown is certainly a 'Gold Mountain' itself. It limits on the prosperity of superior Nob Hill and the financial and profitable districts, but also its real estate is highly valued. San Francisco Chinatown houses a variety of institutions generally found in any Chinatown in the United States and Canada, with few exceptions, but its biological setting improve its appeal and attraction.
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