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Innsbruck - Austria

Innsbruck is the capital of the federal state Tyrol and the biggest city in the Western part of Austria. It is located at 573 m elevation, 489 km south-west of Vienna, 190 km away from Salzburg. Innsbruck is one of Europe’s most beautiful cities and offers a combination of culture, history and nature unequaled anywhere else.Other attractions include Tiroler museums, Hungersburg, Schloss Ambras, Wiltener Basilica, Bergisel, Hofburg, The Golden Roof, the Alpine Zoo. The beauty of Innsbruck city is protected by the architects who ensure that the new structures built in the city are harmonious with the preexisting Gothic, Baroque, and Renaissance style buildings.Innsbruck Austria enjoyed the great strategic importance long before it became famous as a winter sports centre that has twice hosted the Winter Olympic Games, being close to the Brenner Pass that connects Italy with the north via the easiest route over the Alps.
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