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The Lost Gardens of Heligan

The Lost Gardens of Heligan in Cornwall is a collection of amazingly beautiful botanical gardens. These are one of the most popular botanical gardens in the UK. The style of the gardens is typical of the nineteenth century Gardenesque style. The areas of the Lost Gardens of Heligan feature different character with different design styles.

The Lost Gardens of Heligan offer over 200 acres for exploration. This include Victorian Productive Gardens and Pleasure Grounds, a sub-tropical Jungle, walks through ancient woodland and beautiful Cornish countryside. The Wildlife Project in the gardens allows visitors an intimate view of native wildlife.

The gardens were created by members of the Cornish Tremayne family. These unique gardens form a part of the family's Heligan Estate. The creation of the gardens started from the mid-18th century and continued up to the beginning of the 20th century. However, they were neglected after the First World War. The Lost Gardens of Heligan were again restored in the 1990′s.
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